Munster Portabellos

 The bad news is, I stole this recipe. The good news is, it's my daughter's. How rewarding it is for a parent when their child shows a creative interest in food! Bailey whipped these up for us the other night and they tasted great.


4-6 portabello mushrooms, stems removed
3 cloves minced garlic
2 tablespoons tamari sauce (rich soy sauce)
Pepper to taste
4 slices Munster cheese

      The Recipe

Melt a pat or two of butter along with a little olive oil in a skillet (use a skillet with an oven-proof handle since you'll be broiling this dish later - if not, transfer the mushrooms into a baking dish before topping with cheese). Slice mushrooms into 1/2" strips and saute 5 minutes. Add garlic and soy sauce and let cook a few more minutes so the mushrooms can absorb the flavor. Sprinkle with pepper. Tear Munster cheese into strips and place on top of mushrooms. Put under the broiler for a minute or two until the cheese melts.  Serves 4.
Serving suggestion: While this works fine alongside a grilled steak, portabellos are very meaty tasting mushrooms, so we've enjoyed them as a main course along with a sliced tomato salad, a few spears of steamed asparagus and a loaf of grainy bread.



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