Spanish Fried Fish with Saffron and Artichokes

Skillet cooked fish smothered in artichokes and enhanced with the world's most expensive spice.


One pinch (about 10 - 15 threads) saffron

1/2 cup flour seasoned with 1/2 teaspoon EACH salt and pepper

About 2 1/2 pounds white fish, like cod or catfish

1 large tomato, chopped

1 cup canned artichoke hearts, chopped

4 cloves garlic, chopped

1/2 cup dry white wine

      The Recipe

In a mortar or small dish, mix saffron in with a couple of tablespoons hot tap water.  Set aside.

Heat 1/3" good extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet.  Coat fish fillets or pieces in flour mixture and brown, turning once.

Add tomatoes and artichokes to pan along with garlic.  Spread over top with a spoon.  Pour wine in and break down saffron with a pestle or back of a spoon and pour on fish.  Let simmer for ten minutes.  Serves 4.



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