Merry Manhattan & Christmas Snow Wine

Two delightful cocktails for the Christmas season.


The Merry Manhattan:


Red sugar crystals

Sweet Vermouth

1 cup heavy whipping cream

1/2 cup regular egg nog

Christmas Snow Wine:

Seedless red grape sprigs (or green grapes)

Melted white chocolate

Wine (Red or white)

Thin slices or orange


For a Merry Manhattan:

Pour a little bourbon in a small, shallow dish.  In another, sprinkle some red sugar crystals.  Dip the rim of the glass in the bourbon, then in the red sugar.  Add a few ice cubes to the glass, pour in a healthy splash of red vermouth, a jigger and a half of decent bourbon and two marishino cherries (with a little cherry juice).

Pour cream and egg nog in a medium bowl and with an electric mixer, beat until soft peaks form.  Top each Manhattan with the whipped egg nog and sprinkle with a little more red sugar.

For the Christmas Snow Wine:

Dip sprigs of red grapes in melted white chocolate and allow to dry on waxed paper.  Pour a glass of wine, add a slice of orange and drape the Snow Grapes over the rim of the glass.  Note:  I use green grapes for white wine.